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Reforming and Reducing Residential and Agricultural Property Tax

As your next Governor, my top priority will be to address property taxes in Indiana, specifically focusing on single-family residences. While I recognize that completely abolishing property taxes may be challenging, I am committed to working collaboratively with members of the General Assembly to reform the residential property tax system for primary residences and family farms.

Here are the key steps I propose:

  1. Residential Property Tax Cap: I will advocate for an amendment to the state’s Constitution that establishes a true cap on all residential and privately-owned agricultural property taxes. Specifically, this cap would limit property taxes to 1% of the purchase price of the property. This measure aims to provide relief to homeowners while ensuring a fair and predictable tax burden. Additionally, you would only pay a maximum of 7% of the purchase price whether you paid it all at once at closing or escrowed the amount and paid 1% per year for 7 years, allowing homeowners stability and predictability, after which no additional property taxes would be due.

  2. Asset Forfeiture Reform: I firmly believe that no Hoosier should lose their home due to an inability to pay property taxes. To address this concern, I will propose an amendment to the state’s Constitution that abolishes asset forfeiture related to property taxes. This ensures that homeowners are not unfairly penalized or face the risk of losing their homes.

By pursuing these reforms, we can create a more equitable and sustainable property tax system that benefits all Hoosiers. Let’s work together to build a stronger Indiana!

Paid for by Rainwater For Indiana
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