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Without your immediate support, they may exclude me from the Gubernatorial Debates!

Historically, the non-partisan Indiana Debate Commission has included the Libertarian Party candidate for Governor in the statewide televised debates.  Evidently, the Indiana Debate Commission will not be hosting the 2024 Indiana Gubernatorial Debates. They will be hosted by television stations on October 1 and October 3. I have been invited to the October 3rd debate and accepted the invitation. However, there is a rumor that I will not be allowed to debate unless I have raised $100,000 by a currently unknown date.  Here is the article discussing my potential exclusion from the debates:

In order to ensure that I meet the criteria, I need your immediate support to reach the $100,000 fundraising threshold.

Will you help to make sure that I am allowed to debate on October 1st and 3rd? Will you donate what you are able today and every opportunity that you can?

Hoosier voters deserve to hear my answers to the same questions that Mike Braun and Jennifer McCormick answer.

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Contributions by corporations and labor organizations are limited to $5000 annually; contributions by individuals, LLCs, and political committees are unlimited. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited.


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